6th Grade Science
The first unit, Safety & Introduction, teaches the students the necessary skills to maintain safety in the classroom. Safety rules can be written as an algorithm. An algorithm is a "list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem" according to the BBC Bitesize site.
Read through the site and then write the algorithm for lab safety.
The first unit, Safety & Introduction, teaches the students the necessary skills to maintain safety in the classroom. Safety rules can be written as an algorithm. An algorithm is a "list of rules to follow in order to solve a problem" according to the BBC Bitesize site.
Read through the site and then write the algorithm for lab safety.
7th Grade Science
In the Where Have all the Creatures Gone unit, students are to apply their knowledge by explaining and describing where have all the creatures gone by what can cause populations to change, what is food for living things, how do living things get food from other organisms, how do organisms compete, and do abiotic factors affect populations.
In the Where Have all the Creatures Gone unit, students are to apply their knowledge by explaining and describing where have all the creatures gone by what can cause populations to change, what is food for living things, how do living things get food from other organisms, how do organisms compete, and do abiotic factors affect populations.
Code a program using Scratch to show one of the knowledge requirements above.
8th Grade Science
Students are to analyze data in the What Makes the Weather Change unit. Data Analysis is a part of Computer Science and is called Data Science.
Check out for current storms across the globe. Why are those storms forming? What keeps them going? All the data is found on the website!
Students are to analyze data in the What Makes the Weather Change unit. Data Analysis is a part of Computer Science and is called Data Science.
Check out for current storms across the globe. Why are those storms forming? What keeps them going? All the data is found on the website!
In 15 years we will be teaching programming just like reading and writing ...
and wondering why we didn't do it sooner.
- Mark Zuckerberg
and wondering why we didn't do it sooner.
- Mark Zuckerberg